a day in the life..sometimes more like a few minutes in the life, or a week. depending on how often I get on here.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

worky worky work

well i've been here just over 24 hours now. and everyone is still alive, the house is still standing and we have managed to have qutie a bit of fun in the process. for those who don't know, I'm watching an 11 year old girl, twin boys who are 9, and a 7 year old boy. One of the twins had a swollen testicle the day before I started working, but found out it was just an infection and surgery is not necessary. Every night before bed we pray, and last night Tanner, the other twin, thanked God that He was healing Bryce's wienie. Then Bryce thanked God that He was making his wienie smaller....maybe the only time I'll ever hear that prayer! It was adorable and hilarious at the same time...so little modesty, and he really was thankful that he's getting better. Then at bedtime he asked me if God was going to come down from Heaven last night and heal him...so cute.

Yesterday we went to see Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties. very cute. even held my attention most of the time! Then to WalMart and the bank and Safeway. Today I woke up with a sore throat, made pancakes for breakfast, now the kids are doing their daily reading.

Today is August 2nd...that means likely in one month from today Kris will either already be graduated or we will be going to the ceremony today...exciting! I can't wait for him to be done with school and over on the west side!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the wife and i had a good hearty laugh because of the weenie story!!! haha they are so adorable!

12:12 PM


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