a day in the life..sometimes more like a few minutes in the life, or a week. depending on how often I get on here.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ahh, I can taste vacation...

so close, yet so far away. actually, not really. tomorrow at 6 when I get off work I get to begin the trek. it's my favorite drive and most despised. favorite because at the end I get to see Kris. most despised because it's so long. and tomorrow it's going to be hot. i no like hot.

tonight outside it is actually cool. as in, not warm. chilly, almost. woohoo! chilly. I relish being cold. this morning on the way to work I rolled down my windows and about froze. and I had never been so happy to be cold. you know, cold is ok. cold, you can put on more clothes. wrap up in a blanket. turn on the heat. run around. but if you are hot, there is only so much you can do.

had a bit of a...humbling experience tonight. the lady I had been working for the last few weeks, with the intention of getting to know her kids before we for sure decided to work together e-mailed me to let me know they had changed their minds. Not just, you aren't a good fit. More like, you aren't a good fit and we've decided that we don't think you're worth the amount of money we agreed on. ouch. and frustrating, because I do believe I am worth the amount of money we both agreed upon. AND she took up my Sunday afternoons for two weekends. Thank goodness I had started looking again recently, or else I would have been pretty devastated. I know that obivously I wasn't meant to work for them and God had another plan. It's just always a little startling to find out that as much as we THINK we've got it together, we really haven't a clue.

this verse keep coming to mind today...one of my favorites:

"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

-Micah 6:8


Anonymous Anonymous said...

congratulations on your new job!!!!! AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

6:43 PM


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