a day in the life..sometimes more like a few minutes in the life, or a week. depending on how often I get on here.

Friday, July 21, 2006

oh oh oh

WHY can't I just know now? WHY can there be no...definite answer. I was all pumped to most likely be moving up to Seattle early, and now the 'maybe replacement' has turned into the 'unlikely replacement'. ugh. I'm not quite sure what her deal is. She seemed really stoked about the job, and then...is stalling at the moment. But Jan swears that we'll know by the end of the day. Because if Rebecca (a.k.a. the unlikely replacement) doesn't take the job Jan is giving in and calling the agency that found me, screaming 'emergency'. No, that's actually what she said to me on the phone today.

ugh. Why couldn't they have done that a month ago?

So today has been a Friday to top all Mondays. I feel as if I left my brain back somewhere the middle of last week. And my motivation. What I need is a vacation. The good news is that I get one, in 6 days. And this weekend should be some fun (and a lot of work), which is a relief. I just keep hoping that I walk into one of these interviews and God reaches down and taps me gently on the head and says 'THIS is the family'. Seriously. Because obivously I'm not getting it straight on my own.

Onto more trivial things...I need a pedicure. Lets hope my interview tomorrow isn't too long, cause I'm not wearing heels to Becky's wedding without one. My feet are trashed from last weekend.

The good news of the day:
1. It's Friday
2. It's payday
3. I'm escaping home and get to stay in Seattle all weekend
4. I get to go buy a new bra and underwear. Who doesn't love new underthings?
5. The kids have been really, exceptionally well behaved today.
6. I called my aunt today. And left her a message. That's a long story, better suited for a non-online post. But, we'll see if she responds. And yes, I did call during the day on purpose, hoping she wouldn't be home and I could just leave a message. Yes, I am a chicken. Like I said, it's a long story.

Anyhow, off to the bank and to get Max early from gym so I can get the heck out of here and start my trek to Seattle!

peace out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is this story about your aunt?! sounds interesting...at the least. umm and that's weird about the replacement. i wish patience wasn't a virtue. then we wouldn't have to practice it at all. i hope you slept well cuz you seemed very tired. good luck with the interview and i will see you at the wedding!!!

1:54 AM


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