if a sunburn isn't bad enough...
then it starts to peel. And thus, half of my face is peeling. Which causes me to have about six different shades of skin on my face: the normal color, where the sun didn't hit, the slightly tan shade on my lower right side of my face that only got a little burnt, uber tan on my forehead, which got a lot of sun and is just beginning to peel, still a little red on my nose, and then lobster again on the part of my nose that is peeling. It's ridiculous. And a strip of my chest is peeling, and I scratched it cause it itched...and now it's really mad at me. I just can't win! It's probably really bad, but tonight after work I'm going to get one of those face gel/masks that you put on and let dry and then peel off...cause maybe it'll do the peel job all at once. I don't want to look this stupid all weekend, especially for Becky's wedding.
I am exhausted. It's been go go go since 8 this morning. We got up, took Max to gym, picked up Daniel, went to the pool (I sat in the shade, thank you very much!), took Daniel home, came home to put Terri in her riding clothes, picked up Max, took Terri to riding, fed the boys at McD's, picked up Terri, took Max to Ilana's and came home...all in my no air condition car. The good news is that I just checked weather.com and tomorrow is supposed to be the peak of our heat wave...only 95. So maybe I will survive the wedding in black pants.
The work sitch is crazy. I have three interviews this weekend, and I'm pretty sure all would work financial and location wise. The good news is that Katie e-mailed to cancel for Sunday, so I'm off the hook as far as that goes. A few more hours to hang out instead of work.
I think it's nap time. peace out.
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